Monday, July 16, 2018

Every year new patterns come out from the top four pattern companies and also from new individuals and companies.
My take is… that is all well and good and I’m glad. Some of them I like and will eventually get around to purchasing and sewing. At the same time I have a couple of oldies but goodies that I will turn to in a hot minute. Take for instance McCall’s 6079 and Simplicity’s 9418. My oh my do I enjoy these two patterns! These two patterns for me are like Honey Buns I may not eat them everyday but when I do…it’s fire, so delicious!


Let me back up and explain, first off McCall’s 6079 is a pattern I purchased way way back in 2010 when it came out. At the time I used to write a lot of poetry and I had this amazing idea. I was so amped about creating some new tops that were borderline tunics, and flowy at the bottom. I was so excited when this pattern came out because it meant I did not have to create the pattern from scratch. Part of the notion at the time was to have my tops in boutiques where I resided. Well to make a long story short (I’ll fill in the gaps over time)  and fast forward to this year, I decided to make this top  again, this time out of a fabric that has been in my stash about a year. That’s the best guesstimate I have at the moment for the fabric lol! Anyway it’s a light mint and white top and this is at least the fifth time I’ve made top. And I would still at this moment make it again if I needed it in another color.

The other pattern I was telling you about is Simplicity’s 9418. This pattern I’ve also had for a few years. I found it at a thrift shop some years ago and it matched a few of the bell bottom pants my mom had in her closet, so of course I purchased it. The only limitation I found when I first made the pattern was that in some areas it was too tight. Mind you this is a pattern from the 1960’s or early 70’s I believe. I will go check the cover. I love the pattern but I literally cannot touch it because it will rip. I have pattern software I use for my clients who request custom garments. I pulled out the software and made a jumpsuit pattern as close as I could to the original Simplicity pattern to my measurements. Well look below! I do say she came out pretty well indeed. I liked the jumpsuit so much I inserted it to my collection in my shop. 

I told you I would be back with a pattern review. I have newer patterns but you know sometimes you have to go with your gut and that’s what I did.  I’ve worked them so many times I know them well and they are fabulous. I hope you enjoyed reading this review,  let me know if you have any questions, concerns or comments regarding these patterns.

Talk to you soon!

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