Thursday, May 2, 2013

What is going on?

Well it has been a few months since I’ve been on my blog, I wonder how you are doing but no one says anything, just read through my posts I’m guessing. It’s okay that’s why I post. I’m a woman who loves clothing and ol skool sewing.I seriously can’t help it lol!  Let me take a few and explain a couple of things on how I got here…I don’t think I have done that yet.

Well my name is Nadia Lake and I’m an aspiring designer.  I began sewing when I was a kid, some twenty five plus years ago now.  I started because I wanted my dolls to have new clothes, so I would make them out of any fabric I could find around the house. My mother had sewing books and I picked those up occasionally to figure things out. I would ask her for help with the big black Singer sewing machine she had, but for whatever reason she didn’t show me how to operate it. She said it was broken and it probably was but that didn’t stop me. I grabbed needle and thread and my story began.

Throughout the years I did small fixes and alterations on my own clothes accordingly. I didn’t have the skill to make the outfits yet, so I would draw on the sides of my notebooks and on random pieces of paper. When I find that box again I will post some of the pictures for you.

When I was on maternity leave with my son in 2000, I made a handful of pieces of my own for me and my little one. They were not perfect like I wanted but I was still trying and it’s amazing I made anything on the tiny machine I was using but I did.

Along the way when I wanted something different I would hire a seamstress to make skirts and dresses for me. This still was not enough. In 2004 my family and I moved to a house that came with a vintage Singer machine. I thought it was destiny! This machine didn’t require electricity as it had a foot pedal, and was in working condition. The dream continues and begins again.  That year I made a jean skirt and an orange blouse. Still not the outfit of my many dreams, it was a start. I also made some bracelets to go with it, but that’s another story for another time.

It wasn’t until I read every Singer, Vogue and other sewing book and encyclopedia I could get my hands on. During this same time, I practiced the techniques listed in their pages and began watching sewing videos and tv shows on pbs or cable. I was determined to understand garment construction to its fullest. I asked friends and family and others for work to gain more understanding and knowledge. I took on alterations left and right and thankfully, I have not messed up anyone’s items. I thank them for the experience and trusting me with their clothes.

From hand sewing to machine operation and serging wasn’t a short trip, but I appreciate the journey. There were ups and downs throughout the years, but I guess that how life is and you have to pick yourself up when you fall and keep on stepping.  That’s part of the reason I continue this journey to see where else it will take me. Also sewing is so much fun for me, problems and issues seem to melt away when I get in front of that machine and focus my attention.

Well I will tell you more soon thanks for reading.